每一天,CareOregon帮助超过500,000名俄勒冈居民通过俄勒冈健康计划 (OHP) 获得免费的身体、牙科、心理健康护理和处方药品保险。进入我们的会员版块,了解您是否符合参保条件,或搜索服务方、了解CareOregon福利以及更多信息。
CareOregon has contributed more than $85 million since 2020 to help increase access to food, housing, education and more. Greater access and opportunity for more people makes us all stronger. Enter our Community Partners section to learn more about and apply for our Community Giving Program grants.
We serve more Oregon Health Plan members than any other health plan — more than 500,000 people. We work with legislators to make sure Oregonians have access to quality health care. We’ve given more than $85 million since 2020 to local organizations. That’s the CareOregon Effect in action. In our About Us section, learn more and get the latest news about CareOregon.