







Your child grows in many ways during the first years of life. These changes are physical, emotional, social and cognitive (learning, thinking and problem-solving). New skills develop during these years including crawling, walking and talking. These skills are known as developmental milestones. Screening can tell if a child is achieving these milestones, or if there are delays. Early detection of delays helps you and your child’s primary care provider (PCP) identify services that may benefit your child. Developmental screening is a CareOregon covered benefit.

A good time to discuss child development and screening is with your child’s primary care provider (PCP) at a well-child visit. Talk to your child’s doctor or nurse any time you have concerns about your child’s development.

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Send us a secure message through our Member Portal at careoregon.org/portal or call us at 503-416-4100, toll-free 800-224-4840 or TTY 711. We can help you get started with your benefits.