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  • Making a preparation plan
  • Where to find cooling centers and transportation
  • Tips for keeping your home cool
  • When to seek care for heat-related illnesses

Making a preparation plan

Before the next heat wave hits, the best way to beat it is to be prepared.

  • Decide if you need a fan or an AC unit
  • If you have an AC unit, make sure it works
  • Talk to friends, family and neighbors who live alone. Find out how they plan to stay cool and what support they need next time it gets hot

Check out our article for making a Heat Wave Plan for more information on what you can do when the temperature rises.



    Explore the list of daytime centers at Clackamas County's Website

    Multnomah County has an interactive map of library branches, community centers, misting stations, splash pads and other places you can go to help stay cool. This real-time map will help you find cooling resources closest to where you live. 

    Washington County has an interactive map of library branches, community centers, parks and other places you can go to help stay cool. This real-time map will help you find cooling resources closest to where you live.






    • 关闭所有百叶窗。
    • 在脸上、腋下和颈后放置浸湿后的凉爽毛巾。
    • 洗凉水澡。如果天气太热,请考虑去避暑中心。

    For more in-depth information on how to stay cool, check out our article, Ways to keep yourself and your house cool

    Heat -related illness and when to seek care

    Heat-related illnesses and deaths are preventable. Learn the signs so you know what do to if you or a household member starts having symptoms.

    • Heat stroke - a medical emergency
    • Heat exhaustion - a mix of symptoms that could lead to a heat stroke if your body cannot cool down
    • Heat cramps - muscle spasms that can happen to physically active people in hot weather

    Know the symptoms of each of these three conditions by reading our in-depth article, Heat-related illnesses - when to seek care